Thursday, March 31, 2011


In the Name of Allah. The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful    

Almight Said, For Every News There Is A Fact, For Everything There Is An Appointed Term And (TIME) You Will Come To Know. (V6:67)

'In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful'

ManassehCall 1WORLD

Author: 1WORLDCommunity//Category: Declaration

6 Point (6Sifat Para Sahabat Radhiyallahu Anhu)

Kitab Al-Hadistul Muntakhabah (6 points or 6 Sifat para Sahabat Radhiyallahu Anhu) and Maulana Yusuf Rahmatullahi 'Alaih 6 Point properties of the Sahabat’s Radhiyallahu Anhu, an early and consistent teaching to open wider to the teaching of Islam.

In the previous article "The Holy Books Read Many among members of Da'wah and Tabligh Takes Many Muslims Relating to the Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and the Sahabat Radhiyallahu Anhu", has several books to read and learned a lot of effort among the da'wah. It is to begin to take a lot of Muslims in relation to the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and  the Sahabat Radhiyallahu Anhu.  One of his book is the book Al-hadistul Muntakhabah Maulana yusuf Rahmatullahi 'Alaih, of which this book is a book containing a selection of hadith’s related by 6 points (6 Sifat). After long associated with da'wah efforts, as well as reading books ijtima'iyyah in da'wah work, namely the Book of Imam Nawawi Riyadhush Saliheen Fadhilah Amal Maulana Yusuf Rahmatullahi 'Alaih and Book of Maulana Dzakaria Hayatush Shahabah Rahmatullahi 'Alaih.

With the books, which are among the ijtima'iyyah in da'wah and read books, many relating to the hadith’s Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and the Sahabat Radhiyallahu Anhu. And we're grateful to be able to carry several books related to another hadith that other scholars have been prepared, such as the Book of Imam Al-Nawawi Adzkar Rahmatullahi 'Alaih, the Book of Imam Mudziri Tarhib Rahmatullahi 'Alaih, Book Summary Authar Nailul Syaukani Imam Ash- Rahmatullahi 'Alaih, which is Syarh Al Muntaqa Syeikhul-Islam Ibn Thaimiyyah Rahmatullahi 'Alaih, Book, At-Taj Al-Jami'u Lil Fi Ushuli Ahadistir Rasulli Sheikh Mansur Ali Nashif Rahmatullahi 'Alaih.

Which books would also be sources of reference of the scholars who wrote books on Ijtima'iyyah studied among members of da'wah. Unless the book "At-taj, because this book is the order of scholars a few years ago, so quite new, but very good to learn.

Books that we have mentioned above that have a pattern of systematic and focused differently, in accordance with what the attention of scholars as the author of the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and the Sahabat Radhiyallahu Anhu. Book of Imam Al-Nawawi Adzkar Rahmatullahi 'Alaih, a book that contains the hadith’s relating to the dhikr and do’a. Book Targhib Tarhib Wa Imam Mundziri, a book that contains the hadith-related hadit priorities and threats.

Da'wah and Tabligh efforts (who is often called Tabligh assembly) that is known now has a 6 point is always a lot dimudzakarah, and this is known as the 6 Point, or 6 point ways of live Sahabat Radhiyallahu Anhu, namely:

(1) Nature Thoyyibah Sentence

(2) Essentials of Prayer Khushuu Wal Khudhu

(3) Nature Knowledge & Dhikr

(4) Nature Ikramul Muslims

(5) Nature of Intent Ikhlash

(6) The Nature Da'wah and Khuruj Fisabilillah

Each distinct, if at Markaz or when khuruj, each mudzakarah, etc., always focused on the properties of the Sahabat Radhiyallahu Anhu, the 6 points. And we get some of the writings of scholars associated with these 6 properties, but there are scholars who explained about the problems of this Ummat general nature of the disease was found in 6, and of course the solution is initially at 6 properties.

6 Point is (the treasures of the earth key or key of earth) that never find out or never touch by Jiins and Human (Mankind) since earth was created. This system 6 Point CAPABLE to control human (no one left) for billion's people even more. No other technology in the WORLD can cover each individual for billion's people even more. This technology is the New model 1WORLD Development of the 14th Century DESTINY to end age. 6 Point is a part of Al-Islam and Key of Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha Sallalla hu alaihi wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him). 6 points could be the beginning to facilitate the realization of the overall Al-Islam itself. This is kurikulm Beginning to learn all the layers as a prelude to dealing with the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallalla hu alaihe wassallam (peace and blessings of God be on him) and the Sahabat's Radhiyallahu Anhu.

Muslims would be difficult today to reach a height and success in the WORLD and the hereafter, if the Muslims apart by the Holy Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and the Sahabat Radhiyallahu Anhu. So in order to achieve success and elevation in the WORLD and the hereafter, then the Muslims should strive in touch and advice the work Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and way of live Sahabat Radhiyallahu Anhu.

Prayer is a second nature, and Worship Prayer is a very fundamental. If the Muslims have been driven by good prayers, and also the urge to seek knowledge, then of course there is the desire of Muslims to worship others, like Shaum/fasting, Hajj, Zakat etc. Arguably, the nature of the 6 point Sahabat Radhiyallahu Anhu is beginning to explore the entire Al-Islam better. Below is the composition of the Book of Al-hadistul Muntakhabah, Maulana Yusuf Rahmatullahi 'Alaih:

(1) Chapter Sentence Thayyibah

* Iman

* Faithful To The Ghaib

* Faithful To the Hereafter

* Some of the success obey Allah's Orders

(2) Bab Sholat

* Shalaten fardhu

* Prayer Berjam'ah

* Prayer Sunnah and Nafilah

* Khushuu in Prayer

* Primacy Ablution

* Priority Mosque

(3) Chapter Science and Dhikr

* Science

* Ta'atsur (Impressed) The Al-Quran and Hadith

* Dhikr

* Priority Dhikr to Allah

* Prayer and Dhikr Ma'tsur

(4) Chapter Ikramul Muslims

* The dignity of a Muslim

* Akhlaq Majesty

* Rights of Muslims

* Tighten Gathering

* Threat For People With Annoying Muslims

* Reconciliation among Muslims

(5) Chapter Ikhlash

* Ikhlash (kludge of Intent)

* Faith and Ihtisab

* Reprimand Against Riya

(6) Chapter Da'wah and Tabligh

* Da'wah and Priority-priority

* Preferential Out On the Path of Allah swt

* Adab-Adab and Practices When out on the path of Allah swt

* Avoidance Act of Sia-Sia

If we look at some other books of hadiths as we mentioned above, we will get other parts that do not get into the main chapters, these six properties. Or maybe we'll get with other titles that can be in the 6 Main Properties.

6 properties of the Sahabat’s Radhiyallahu Anhu is a good start for among Muslims to be more related to the Prophet Muhammad and the Sahabat’s Radhiyallahu Anhu. We own very interested in the 6 nature, because we feel it as early in the process of learning how Muslims can relate to advice-advice of the Prophet and the Sahabat’s Radhiyallahu Anhu.

Consistency and commitment to the constant teaching of the 6 properties of the Companions of Sahabat’s Radhiyallahu Anhu in the business of proselytizing and tabligh, this makes it easy for the Muslims from various walks of life and backgrounds, even from different nations and tribes of different languages, related to the Prophet Muhammad and the Sahabat’s Radhiyallahu Anhu.

The scholars who have sacrificed much in the da'wah work and expertise of the Al-Quran and Sunnah which is the source of Al-Islam itself, of course, understands that to provide consistency of instruction and commitment to the main chapters , it will be easier Muslims are related to the Prophet Muhammad and the Sahabat’s Radhiyallahu Anhu who have previously written by the scholars. 6 properties of the Sahabat’s is the thing that has been proven around the WORLD in the course of this da'wah.

So that the da'wah efforts and Tabligh has had a curriculum to be adopted at all levels, backgrounds, various tribes and nations throughout the world, and it is clearly evident from the presence of many diverse people in ijtima'i-ijtima'i in some countries.

Below are the books that finally we are often concerned when we relate to the books of Scripture are Ijtima'iyyah reads proselytizing among business experts and tabligh.

(1) the Scriptures Fadhilah Amal, Maulana Dzakaria Rahmatullahi 'Alaih,

(2) Book Hayatush millimeter RA, Maulana Yusuf Rahmatullahi 'Alaih,

(3) Book-hadistul Muntakhabah, Maulana Yusuf Rahmatullahi 'Alaih,

(4) Kitab Riyadhush Sholihin, Imam Nawawi Rahmatullahi 'Alaih,

(5) Scripture Adzakar, Imam Nawawi Rahmatullahi 'Alaih,

(6) Book Summary Nailul Authar, Imam Ash-Syaukani Rahmatullahi 'Alaih,

(7) Book Targhib Tarhib Wa, Imam Mudziri Rah,

(8) Book At-Taj Al-Jami'u Lil Fi Ushuli Ahadistir Rasulli, Sheikh Mansur Ali Nashif (An Egyptian scholar)

The books above have been widely translated in Indonesia, except the Book of Imam Mundziri we do not know whether it has been translated or not. And we get the relations Chapters are interlinked in bitab-book, meaning that many verses of the Koran and the hadith-hadith the Prophet contained in other books.

And most important is the story of the millimeter-story, 6 properties of the Sahabat's, Adab-Adab Islam, Charity Fadhilah Fadhilah-taught and trained many live in da'wah efforts, not only as a discourse-into-discourse is an opportunity for Muslims more close to the ocean and the Prophet's advice Sahabat’s Radhiyallahu Anhu who had written many of the scholars.

Of course, these 6 properties, and the parts in it not only as a discourse to discourse, but must exist and in the lives of actual people. So that scholars have long emphasized the da'wah efforts on 2 main activities and work Khuruj maqomi work. Both this work is practical training, and not as a discourse, but how to be a more actual and present. And it requires the sacrifice of the ongoing work. Insha Allah, we go in the paper "The Da'wah provides an easy way to draw the Muslims in all walks and backgrounds for many associated with the Prophet Muhammad and the Sahabat’s Radhiyallahu Anhu

by 1WORLDCommunity

Prophet of AllahShallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam Said: Three hundred fourteen (314) among those who are female, joined the AlMahdi who will act on the leader are doing wrong and uphold justice as hoped for by everyone. After that, there is no longer good on this earth is more than good at the time of AlMahdi. Sabda Nabi Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam: Tiga ratus empat belas (314) orang yang diantaranya adalah perempuan, bergabung dengan AlMahdi yang akan bertindak ke atas setiap pemimpin yang berbuat zalim dan menegakkan keadilan seperti yang diharap-harapkan oleh semua orang. Setelah itu, tidak ada kebaikan lagi dimuka bumi ini yang melebihi pada masa AlMahdi.

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